After careful
planning and thorough research, our school has designed its annual curriculum to be a road map of the learning and teaching process that will take place in an entire academic session.
Education in M.G.M is a joyful journey into the world of learning. Our school curriculum has been mapped out according to sound pedagogy and latest methodology with the purpose of facilitating acquisition not only of knowledge in core subjects, the 4Cs (creative, communicative, critical and collaborative skills) but also to encourage the development of sound values and positive attitudes as well.
With this objective, the primary curriculum incorporates a
new dimension of Integrated and Thematic learning. Thematic curriculum is a way of teaching and learning, where by many areas of curriculum are connected together and integrated as a theme.
- It is based on the idea that knowledge acquisition is efficient among students when they learn in the context of a coherent and holistic way.
- They can associate whatever they learn to their surrounding and real life examples.
- Thematic instruction seeks to put the cognitive skills such as reading, thinking, memorizing, and writing in the context of a real life situation under the broad aim to allow maximum creative exploration in a child.
Significance of Integrated and Thematic learning
- It allows learning to be more natural and less fragmented.
- The Thematic syllabus revolves around the integrated textbook for active and holistic learning.
- Being well-structured, it interweaves all concepts required to learn at primary stage.
- It helps students to understand connections and draw conclusions from the real world.
- It integrates all subjects through a common theme.
- Learning takes place through a variety of fun filled activities.
- Students have choice in what they learn and how they learn.
- It utilizes Collaborative and Cooperative Learning.
- It helps in promoting learning with understanding and discourages rote learning.
- The main objective is to create a relationship with the learning intentions and learning outcomes.
The Primary school curriculum majorly highlights the -
3 E's- Explore, Express, Enjoy
Keeping this in view, the curriculum has been devised on the Multiple Intelligence Theory. This theory encompasses nine different aspects of intelligence-
- 1. Linguistic Intelligence
- 2. Logical Intelligence
- 3. Musical Intelligence
- 4. Spatial Intelligence
- 5. Kinaesthetic Intelligence
- 6. Interpersonal Intelligence
- 7. Intrapersonal Intelligence
- 8. Naturalist Intelligence
- 9. Existential Intelligence
All students learn each day's lesson in different ways. They build models, make collaborative decisions, solve deductive reasoning problems, read, write, dance, create songs and illustrate all in one school day.
- In the Personal Work Centre (Intrapersonal Intelligence), students explore the present area of study through research, reflection, or individual projects.
- In the Working Together Centre (Interpersonal Intelligence), they develop cooperative learning skills as they solve problems, answer questions, create learning games, brainstorm ideas and discuss topic collaboratively.
- In the Math & Science Centre (Logical Intelligence), they work with math games, manipulative, mathematical concepts, science experiments, deductive reasoning, and problem solving.
- In the Art Centre (Spatial Intelligence), they explore a subject area using diverse art media and pictures.
- In the Building Centre (Kinaesthetic Intelligence), they build models; dramatize events all in ways that relate to the content of the subject matter.
- In the Reading Centre (Linguistic Intelligence), students read, write, and learn in many traditional modes. They analyze and organize information in written form.
- In the Music Centre (Musical Intelligence), students compose and sing songs about the subject matter and learn in rhythmical ways.